Career Readiness 项目

STEP (SNAP Training and Employment Program)


博天堂官方 STEP计划是为正在接受SNAP(补充营养)的学生准备的 Assistance Program) Benefits. As a participant in STEP, students receive enhanced 在实现其教育和职业目标方面提供学术和经济支持. 的 STEP项目可以帮助学生做大学前的准备,并为他们的课程提供资金 GED, GED西班牙语,成人基础教育(ABE)和英语作为第二语言(ESOL).  STEP可以帮助学生在完成大学课程的同时获得资金和指导 leading to a certificate and/or an associate degree. Additionally, STEP can help with 协助撰写简历和求职信,准备面试技巧和模拟 面试.


您必须是SNAP接受者,并且能够在完成教育后工作 程序. Please complete the STEP兴趣表格. 我们将很快与您联系,并提供有关如何进行第一次考试的信息 steps to prepare for STEP.

重要的: TANF recipients are not eligible for enrollment in STEP. However, if you are nearing the end of your TANF enrollment, please complete the STEP兴趣表格 so we can explore your post-TANF options. Students with TANF can contact the 博天堂官方就业计划 for additional education support options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost anything to get help from STEP?
No, it is free to enroll in STEP. However, there are costs associated with enrollment 在博天堂官方. 您的STEP教练将与您一起寻找潜在的资金来源. 
No. 你仍然必须申请进入博天堂官方并注册课程.
我没有车去学校赴约或上课. 我还能参加吗??
是的. 的re are many classes are offered virtually or online. 此外,你还有 公共交通便利,STEP参与者可以获得帮助 transportation for training and education-related purposes.
是的. STEP计划可以帮助你支付GED和英语语言课程的费用 和测试. 要查找GED,西班牙语GED和ELA课程的入学日期,请查看 these upcoming orientation dates. STEP Coaches can assist you with short term training as you prepare to enter your college-level 程序 of study.
How do I research potential careers? 

你可以用 博天堂官方's Career Coach assessment tool 为指导. Additionally, Navigators in 博天堂官方's First Resort Office can assist you with determining areas of focus.

数据库等 质量信息Occupational Outlook Handbook 使用劳工统计局和俄勒冈州就业部门的数据 在申请之前提供你可能感兴趣的工作的最新信息. 一旦你选择了一份职业,你就可以了解职业专家是怎么做的 工作,如何成为合格的,以及增长潜力和工资范围 that job is in your area.

How can I find funding for college?

STEP计划可以帮助您支付每年最多12个学分的费用. 这个项目 还可以协助与书籍和用品相关的费用,特定的项目需求, and transportation assistance.

从这里开始: complete a free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is the application 佩尔助学金、联邦学生贷款、俄勒冈机会和俄勒冈承诺 奖助金. 此外,许多奖学金申请要求你完成FAFSA. 

WIOA奖学金:社区服务联盟的短期职业奖学金,最高可提供3000美元 training 程序s in Linn and Benton counties. This scholarship is funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). 
Learn more and apply for the CSC WIOA奖学金.

博天堂官方 奖学金 and Grants: 博天堂官方提供基于需求和成绩的奖学金和助学金. 一些 是针对课程的,还是基于学生的需求水平,还是两者兼而有之. 
Learn more and apply for 博天堂官方 奖学金.

Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) scholarships你可能有资格获得俄勒冈州提供的许多奖学金 你在哪里上的高中,你父母在哪里工作,你的家庭构成, your major, your interests, and many other categories. Fill out one application to apply for hundreds of scholarships through this database.
Learn more and apply for Oregon 奖学金 and Grants.

奖学金 for Immigrant Students:世界教育服务提供了一个搜索数据库的奖学金寻找工具 for scholarships based on your home country.
Find World Education 奖学金.

Additional 奖学金FastWeb是一个由私人和公共机构、雇主、 individuals, and non-profits from all over the US. 的re are thousands of scholarships 可用,有些具有独特的应用程序过程(制作视频,展示如何 解决一些问题,写一篇文章,描述你对咖啡的热爱,甚至回答 quiz questions about geography and movies). Create a profile to see what scholarships you might be able to receive.
View FastWeb’s database of scholarships.

What resources are there for noncitizens? 

如果你没有资格获得联邦财政援助,你可能仍然有资格申请 the Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA) for college funding. 通过填写 ORSAA问卷,你可以找到你应该提交的财政援助申请 and steps you can take to become eligible.
Learn more and fill out the ORSAA Questionnaire.

Were you educated outside of the United States? Use these tools from World Education Services to find out how your credentials compare in the US.
Use these Degree and GPA Equivalency Tools.

Upwardly Global帮助获得工作许可的移民、难民、庇护者和特殊移民 签证持有人(siv)在美国重新开始他们的职业生涯. 注册 to get access to resources for licensure, job search and more.
Learn more about Upwardly Global.


Can you help me find a job now?

STEP提供制作简历和准备工作申请材料方面的帮助. Most jobs require an online application, resume, and cover letter. 你的教练可以 also help prepare you for 面试. 

Are there other tools out there to find a job?

是的. Complete or update an iMatchSkills profile. Also register for the National Career readiness Certificate (NCRC).

iMatchSkills将当前的本地职位空缺与您创建的配置文件相匹配 你可以找到与你的技能、经验和兴趣相对应的工作列表. iMatchSkills帐户是注册step和注册的第一步 参加在俄勒冈州当地的Worksource为求职者(包括NCRC)举办的研讨会 办公室. 

如果你已经有了一个账户,用你的用户名和密码登录,并确保 that your information is current. If not, click on “Create an Account” and follow 的指令. Once you have created a profile and logged in, you can study for 点击参考资料下面的“与工作相关的技能审查”链接 及服务标题.

Visit the iMatchSkills 注册/Login page to get started.


是的! 的 Roadrunner Resource Center is a one stop shop to help find local basic needs resources. 

您也可以与博天堂官方 Roadrunner资源中心会面,以找到负担得起的方法:

  • 照顾孩子
  • 食品杂货
  • 租金
  • 医疗保健
  • 公用事业公司

For more information, email

Where else can I search for resources?

Dial 211 on your phone or visit 211信息.
Access the 211 Resource Search Engine.

社区服务联盟编制了一份资源指南,列出了当地的组织 that provide support in Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties.
View the complete guide CSC Resource Guide.

Don’t hesitate to contact your STEP Coach for referrals.

Where can I prepare for and take a placement test 在博天堂官方?

有关分班考试的信息,包括时间,如何安排考试, and sample test questions, review this Placement 测试 information.


Jessi Walker, STEP Coach
Office: Willamette Hall, WH 213

Julia Larsen, STEP Coach
Office: Willamette Hall, WH 211

Kory Sessions-Riseley,学生成功专家和First Resort领航员
Office: Takena Hall, First Resort

Andrea Piercy, STEP Coach
Office: Willamette Hall, WH 212

Jessica Abblitt, STEP Coach
Office: Willamette Hall, WH 210


博天堂官方 STEP项目于2016年10月在林本顿社区学院启动.

博天堂官方 STEP是与俄勒冈社区学院联盟和俄勒冈州的合作伙伴关系 Department of Human Services.  的 purpose of the STEP 程序 is to assist SNAP recipients 获得获得生活工资就业所需的高等教育和培训 经济流动性.