博天堂官方 Culinary Program Helps Feed Fire Evacuees | 博天堂官方-博天堂官方

博天堂官方 Culinary Program Helps Feed Fire Evacuees

Culinary students in kitchen boxing foodAlbany, Oregon -乔什·格林在林本顿社区学院的烹饪艺术学生通常学习 擀新鲜的意大利面,自己磨汉堡,自己做酸面包.
但当你试图养活200到500名因一系列流离失所的人 对于巨大的野火,你会用你现有的东西——即使是速溶土豆泥.
格林和他的8名学生,现任和前任,都在做志愿者 the Linn County Fair & 帮助逃亡者提供食物 大火席卷了圣地亚哥峡谷和俄勒冈州的其他地区.
志愿者们上周乘坐救世军的厨房卡车出发,然后搬走了 inside to the fairgrounds’ concession stands. They feed upwards of 200 people at the 然后再送300顿饭到本顿县.
“你知道,与其说是教他们,不如说是尽我们所能去帮助他们。” 烹饪艺术系主任兼教员格林说.
“通常情况下,我不会让他们拿一包加水肉汁来用, but here it's, ‘What's easy?’” he went on. “We don't have a lot of stuff to use, so we just have to do whatever we can to get stuff done."
志愿者说,烹饪课程让她为这种经历做好了准备 今年6月从格林的项目毕业的凯特琳·奥米特说. 
“通过烹饪课程,你学会了利用现有的东西,因为 可能会有不好的东西进来,也可能根本进不来。. “It’s good to know what you can substitute.”
格林在里昂长大,年轻时露营、徒步旅行、打猎和钓鱼 and down Santiam Canyon. 他的父亲和继母是撤离的里昂居民 when emergency responders put the area at Level 2.
"It’s my community. I grew up there. It's important to me to go up and help anywhere I can,” Green said. 
他补充说,通过给人们提供食物来帮助他们是自然而然的事情. “It’s what I love to do. 待在厨房里是我的拿手好戏,比整理和打扫好得多. I can be most useful. This is what I’ve done my entire life.”
Green is going into his fifth year teaching Culinary Arts at 博天堂官方. 在那之前,他负责威拉米特大学的餐饮服务项目 他在大学做了四年的行政总厨,六年的行政副总厨. 他在波特兰市中心的希尔顿酒店当厨师后来到威拉米特.
“I liked that it wasn’t the same thing every day. Every single thing, I was doing something different,” Green said. “Also, there’s an infinite amount of things to learn. 你永远不可能学会所有关于食物和如何准备食物的知识.”
要学习的一件事是如何快速适应快速变化的环境, which is exactly the situation at the Expo Center.
格林的上一份工作是在一家名为Bon Appetit的管理公司,这家公司专门派遣厨师 to set up new accounts. 来接手另一家餐饮服务公司 意思是你不必事先知道你要和谁一起工作 to do it, but you still have to go in and get it done.
“压力很大,你要站起来,你要移动,要走,要把事情做好, figuring out a new plan,” he said. “I call it controlling chaos. I really like that. Go in there and control the chaos.”
他的学生们正在学习同样的快节奏、高产量的业务 他们在世博中心的志愿服务,格林说. And they’re putting their 工作技能,即使他们不自己烤汉堡面包. 
例如,他说,志愿者们一天烤了几只鸡,一天烤了一只 学生们把滴落下来的土豆代替水加入速溶土豆中. 
“他们把从零开始制作东西学到的技能应用起来 他们尽其所能做出美味的食物,”格林说.
他们会互相开玩笑,也会和游乐场的协调员开玩笑, Lt. 救世军奥尔巴尼军团的查尔斯·德杰苏斯,他做了大部分 grocery runs.
"Charles will say, anything I can get you? ‘Yeah, can we get some foie gras?’” Green said, laughing. “因为这不是我们习惯做的那种食物.”
DeJesus在Facebook上发布了一个简短的视频,寻求帮助,为撤离者提供食物, which is how Green knew of the need. 
格林周三看到了这段视频,并给德杰西发了一条信息:“嘿,我是厨师,我可以 cook anything, I can rally people up.” 
他没有收到回复,但周四早上还是来了穿着厨师服 a bagful of knives and culinary tools. He has returned ever since, planning menus, rallying volunteers and setting work schedules.
“He’s been invaluable,” DeJesus said. “He has been exactly what someone in my position would want to establish prior to an emergency. He’s a great reflection of a solid Oregonian and a very solid reflection of 博天堂官方.”
格林利用他与学生、朋友、同事的关系请来了帮手 and other culinary professionals. 
得到学院院长的许可后,他带来了一些博天堂官方厨房的存货 用课外烹饪俱乐部的一部分钱来帮助购买用品. 他还使用了博天堂官方的Instagram和Facebook页面,并将自己的电话号码发给了任何人 who might respond. 
“I just started corralling people,” he said. “Everyone just started rallying around me and started showing up to help.”
Omete didn’t hesitate when she saw Green’s posts.
她说:“我看到了需求,我有能力,这真的很贴切。. “It’s the reason why I got into 在烹饪领域,通过食物来喂养人们并爱他们,所以这是一个完美的 opportunity.” 
Omete is trying to take over for Green as the volunteer 当他周三回到社区大学工作时,他的日程安排. People 尤其需要有食品加工工证和大型烹饪经验 她说,做饭,但欢迎所有志愿者做服务员和洗碗工. 
德杰西说他还需要大量原料的捐赠,只要能养活他就行 multiple hundreds. 
格林说,他将在作为志愿者的最后几天里帮助尽可能多的人 up in advance to keep things running smoothly.

林本顿社区学院提供烹饪应用科学副学士学位 艺术和营养与食品服务副学士学位. Learn more. Fall term begins September 28; advisors are available to help walk new students through the process of enrolling.

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