Co-curricular programs are designed to enhance the learning process and development of students. Co-curricular programs shall have stated learning outcomes and shall provide opportunities for extended application of existing academic programs or course materials to learning activities beyond the classroom. These programs provide services or activities which support the more formal curricular experience of students.


A co-curricular program shall be sponsored by a division or academic department, advised by one or more 博天堂官方 employees and shall have stated learning outcomes for accountability.  The following process shall be used to form a co-curricular program:

  1. One or more annually renewed employees petition an academic division or department requesting sponsorship.

    1. Petition will identify proposed advisor(s), proposed advisor-related compensation to be paid by division/department, proposed release time (if any), proposed budget, resource needs, identified learning outcomes, and evidence of curricular usefulness.

    2. The primary co-curricular advisor must be an annually renewed employee and additional co-advisors may be from any employment classification.

    3. Petitions are accepted annually in conjunction with the budget cycle of the Co-Curricular Committee for consideration for funding; non-funded co-curricular applications are accepted throughout the year.

    4. Co-curriculars may be approved without funding, in which case funding may be applied for in future years.

  2. The sponsoring academic division or department will review the petition to determine whether to recommend sponsorship to the division dean. Review shall include, but not be limited to the following:

    1. Consideration of the level of academic need and contribution to learning (e.g. evidence from outcomes assessment data and/or program review).

    2. The level of financial support the academic unit is able to contribute, which combined with fund-raising must be a minimum of 20% of total program budget, either for materials and supplies and/or paid staff workload.

  3. Petitions sponsored by a division dean are then forwarded for comment by Risk Management and the Dean of Students.

  4. Petitions are finally forwarded to the Co-curricular Committee for review.

  5. After initial approval by the committee, the petition will be forwarded to the Dean of Instruction for final budget action.

  6. An approved co-curricular program has all the rights and privileges afforded to recognized student clubs; hence, a co-curricular program is not eligible for simultaneous student club status. See AR 7015-03.

  7. Co-curricular programs shall be accountable to both the sponsoring academic unit, the division dean, and the Co-Curricular Committee for reporting outcomes, impacts, performance, and spending.

  8. Continuation of an equivalent revenue contribution of 20% from a combination of fundraising, donations, and academic unit support.

  9. Continuation of co-curricular funding from fees shall be dependent on participation in the Co-curricular Committee’s processes and decisions.

A Co-curricular Committee shall determine standing of co-curriculars and how co-curricular fees shall be budgeted to sponsored co-curricular programs in good standing.  The Co-curricular Committee shall operate under a set of rules as proposed by the committee and approved by the 博天堂官方 College President.


Recognized co-curricular programs are funded through the following:

  1. Service fees, gate receipts, advertising revenue, honoraria, advisor-directed  fundraising activities, and if approved, co-curricular fees.

  2. Co-curricular programs must have financial support from the instructional area and follow all recognition and annual budgeting procedures.

  3. To maintain status as a co-curricular program, each program must earn a minimum of 20 percent of total budget, through a combination of academic unit support and fundraising, not including grants.

  4. Co-curricular programs may carry over excess revenue or unspent resources from year-to-year, not including grants.

  5. With recognition, co-curricular programs have access to request co-curricular fee-based funding through the annual Co-Curricular Committee process.
    1. Recognized co-curricular programs must satisfy certain requirements to remain eligible for fee-based funding and co-curricular status. Advisors will ensure that: 
      1. Co-curricular Programs have 20% of annual revenues generated through sources other than SAP funds;

      2. The primary co-curricular advisor must be an annually renewed employee and additional co-advisors may be from any employment classification;

      3. Activities and operations conducted by the group are in accordance with institutional policies and procedures, as set out in the Co-Curricular Handbook, other college documents, and as directed by the Co-curricular Coordinator; and

      4. Co-curricular annual reports, long-term plans, outcome commitments, and budget and resource requests are submitted on time to the Co-Curricular Committee.
    1. Co-curricular program advisors shall serve as needed on the Co-Curricular Committee on a rotating schedule.


  1. Grant Purpose             
    Co-Curricular Talent Grants are used to recruit and/or acknowledge performance and contribution to meaningful student engagement.  Grant awards to co-curriculars shall be based upon established need and planned grantee contribution. The Co-Curricular Committee will publish and maintain the criteria for awarding funding.

  2. Co-curricular Talent Grant Value
    Talent grants are awarded to students to cover the established in-state tuition rate and per credit institutional fees (this excludes specific course and program fees).       One talent grant awarded by the Co-Curricular Committee shall be the equivalent of 1 credit of tuition at the standard, annual rate of in-state tuition and per-credit institutional fees, excluding course and program fees.  Talent grants may be awarded to students in credit units from 1-15 credits per term.

  3. Grant Awards and Funding
    As part of its annual budget process, the Co-Curricular Committee shall create a process by which co-curricular programs may request talent grants during the annual budget cycle. Grants are to be awarded to students in the term of serving the co-curricular program and submitted to Financial Aid by the end of the first week of the term to be included as part of a student’s total financial aid package.  The College will make every effort to finance talent grants before adjusting co-curricular program budgets.

  4. Expectations of Grantee and Non-Performance
    Programs must annually provide to the student and the budget committee a description of the leadership role, expectations and/or contribution to be fulfilled by the grantee and the eligibility criteria for awarding talent grants.  Students must meet eligibility criteria and fulfill role expectations to maintain      talent grants.  If specific performance or times/dates of service are required, they shall be agreed upon in advance.  If a co-curricular program advisor has concerns about possible non-performance by a grantee, the parties shall discuss expectations and the advisor will allow a reasonable time for the student to meet standards.  If a grantee continues not to perform, the talent grant may be revoked by the advisor with written notification to the grantee.

  5. Appeal
    Appeal of grant revocation shall be to the Dean of Instruction or their designee within 10 days of revocation; appeal shall be solely on the basis of whether performance did or did not meet agreed expectations; the Dean’s decision shall be final last appeal.

  6. Unawarded Co-curricular Talent Grants
    Co-curricular programs are expected to award all talent annually or notify the Dean of Instruction by the end of Winter term of any unawarded funds. Unawarded funds may be redistributed for the remainder of that year to special projects or other co-curricular needs. Funds not awarded by the end of a fiscal year return to the main Co-Curricular Fund.


The use of co-curricular grant funds by co-curricular programs will be regularly assessed to ensure that all funds are being invested to create maximum benefit to vital campus life and learning. The reallocation of co-curricular grants will be done through the annual Co-Curricular Committee process     .  The Co-Curricular Committee shall design forms and processes for requesting co-curricular program status reports, spending reports, and budget requests.  In the annual budget process, programs will report learning outcomes and contribution to campus life, as well as apply for co-curricular fee-based funding.  The Co-Curricular Committee shall review requests per its rules and procedures.  The committee determines whether programs meet co-curricular expectations and comply with its guidelines.  The committee makes budget recommendations to the Dean of Instruction.


The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs      shall have final authority to act upon committee recommendations and to act during periods where no committee is in session.


DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 02/20/01; 06/02/09; 05/02/13; 5/3/18; 11/14/19; 04/07/22

DATE OF LAST REVIEW:  5/3/18; 11/14/19; 04/07/22