

标题:不歧视,不骚扰声明 & 程序

鼓励、创造或维持工作场所、校园、财产、教育环境; 不受骚扰、歧视的福利、项目和活动 retaliation, or o的r misconduct so students and staff may be fully able to engage 林本顿社区学院的使命、愿景和价值观. 留在… full compliance with federal, 状态, or local statutory and regulatory requirements. To demonstrate 博天堂官方’s commitment to a timely and impartial means of due process to address any allegation of unlawful or impermissible discrimination and/or harassment.

林本顿社区学院 prohibits unlawful harassment as well as any form of unlawful discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex or sexual content, gender, marital status, disability, veteran’s status, age, sexual orientation, or any o的r status protected by federal, 状态 or local law, in any activity, benefit, service, program, or operation of 的 college on any property or 在博天堂官方或其合作伙伴当时控制下的任何地点. 

的 college complies with applicable provisions of 的 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as 修订),相关行政命令11246和11375,教育修正案第九条 1972年法案(经修订),1973年康复法案第504条,美国人 《博天堂官方》(经修订),军警部门就业和再就业 Rights Act (USERRA), 的 Jeanne Clery Act, 的 Violence against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA, as later ratified); and all federal, 状态, 和当地公民权利或不歧视/不骚扰; 和非欺侮法(ORS 339, 339).351,等).  

除了执行联邦法律和性别歧视的定义之外 骚扰, 博天堂官方执行俄勒冈州法律和此处发布的定义.  处理州违规行为的流程将符合或超过要求 of HB 3415已登记.

Under this rule, 的 college is committed to providing equal opportunity in all of 它的计划、政策、程序、活动、地点和实践,以及 学院应借此促进机会平等及待遇平等 为此目的而制定的政策和其他大学努力.  

Under 的 college’s policy, unlawful discrimination or unlawful harassment (hereafter 简称为“歧视”和“骚扰”)是不能容忍的. 这 includes 的 responsibility of notifying each employee/student of 的ir rights and responsibilities under 博天堂官方’s Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy and o的r 大学的规则或行为标准. 管理层和员工将被追究责任 to take reasonable action to maintain work areas, educational environments, college locations (or locations under our control for educational programs or activities) 没有导致或合理地可以被认为导致恐吓的行为, hostility, or discrimination, including all forms of hazing, as defined in statute.

根据这些标准受到侵害的个人被鼓励举报. 博天堂官方 will offer and implement appropriate and reasonable 支持措施 to 的 parties 在收到骚扰、歧视和/或报复的通知后. 博天堂官方 can act to remove a 被调查者 entirely or partially from its education program or activities on an emergency basis when an individualized safety and risk analysis 是否已确定对任何个人的身体健康或安全构成直接威胁 justifies removal, and 博天堂官方 shall consider providing a reasonable post-investigation 在没有发现任何博天堂官方政策或规则下的不当行为时的补救措施.

Complaints and parties to a Title IX incident have additional rights as set out in 的 博天堂官方第九条程序, (i.e.(辩护人的权利). 对行为相关问题的投诉 如涉嫌歧视或骚扰,可依 适用的董事会政策、行政法规、劳资协议程序; or for students, through 的 Student Rights Responsibilities and Conduct Code process (AR 7030-01).

任何附加程序由学院院长或指定人员制定  是否需要在地区内一致地执行此政策.


更多的第九条定义,见 程序、术语表.

  1. 非法歧视
    由于某人的受保护地位而受到的不公平或不平等的待遇. However, not all types of discrimination will violate federal and/or 状态 laws that 禁止歧视. 有些类型的不平等待遇是完全合法的,不能 构成指控非法歧视的依据. 例如,美国人 《1990年残疾人法案 需要雇主和教育机构同样采用差别待遇(便利) 让残疾人士充分参与工作/教育.

    Unlawful 骚扰, on 的 o的r hand, defined below and as defined by federal and 俄勒冈州的法律,是一种非法歧视.

  2. 非法骚扰

    1. Can reasonably be perceived by 的 receiver(s) as unwelcome/offensive and refers in 一种贬低政策声明中所列任何群体特征的方式 (Board Policy 1015) above; and
    2. Creates a hostile or adverse work/educational environment; or
    3. 根据员工或学生的特点,给予他们不同的条款或条件 在政策声明中列出.  骚扰的例子可能包括但不限于 致:评论,诽谤,笑话,符号,含沙射影,漫画,恶作剧,身体骚扰, 等., which are derogatory on 的 basis of characteristics 在政策声明中列出.


  3. 性骚扰:
    Sexual Harassment under federal Title IX is one of three types of misconduct on 的 basis of sex/gender, all of which jeopardize 的 equal access to education that Title IX is designed to protect: 这 includes any instance of quid pro quo harassment by a college employee; any unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, 普遍的,客观上令人反感的是,它剥夺了一个人平等的受教育机会; any instance of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking as 《博天堂官方》(VAWA)和/或《博天堂官方网站》中规定.


    • 提出性建议或向学生/员工施压以获得性利益;
    • 不受欢迎的性接触. 这个定义包括,例如, 性暴力,约会暴力,性侵犯,亲密伴侣暴力,跟踪, 性剥削或强奸;
    • Performing sexual gestures or o的r sexually explicit verbal or physical behavior 在别人面前;
    • Telling jokes of a sexually explicit nature in 的 workplace or educational programs;
    • 散布性谣言或以露骨的性标准评价学生/教职员工; 活动或表现;
    • Generating, circulating, or displaying e-mails or websites of a sexual nature in 的 workplace or in educational programs where such subject matter is unrelated to 的 课程的教与学目标.
  4. 性的骚扰
    A behavior that degrades, denigrates, ridicules, and/or is physically abusive of an 员工/学生,因为他或她的性别或性取向. (见 程序、其他民事权利罪行和术语表.)

  5. 种族骚扰
    A behavior that denigrates, ridicules, and/or is verbally or physically abusive of 因为种族歧视而解雇员工或学生.

  6. 基于国籍的骚扰
    诋毁、嘲笑和/或身体虐待员工/学生的行为 因为他或她的祖先,遗产或背景认同.

    骚扰可以基于任何受保护的身份发生,所有此类骚扰都是被禁止的 根据这个政策.

All incoming students will be directed to complete and all employees will complete a Personal Empowerment Through Self Awareness (PETSA) or o的r training that includes 关键定义,教育学生和员工关于报告和响应过程 of 的 college and protective measures that 的 college may take in 的 event that 过错的判定是针对个人的.  这次综合培训 will be repeated for both students and staff at regular intervals to assure ongoing prevention and awareness and will include training on hazing, which is prohibited 根据州法律.  

It is prohibited for 博天堂官方 or any member of (or visitor to) 的 博天堂官方 community to take 恐吓:通过恐吓、威胁、胁迫、骚扰或歧视等实质性的不利行为 反对任何参与报告或调查歧视的个人 或者骚扰或者其他违反校规的行为.

No employee or student shall be fired, expelled, suspended or o的rwise unlawfully harassed or discriminated against because he or she has engaged in activity protected 根据法律,或者因为他或她在内部或外部提出了善意的投诉, 或反对,或证明可能违反法律时,这样的活动 受法律保护吗. (见 程序,报复.)

Deliberately false or malicious accusations, as opposed to good faith reports, are serious offences and may be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions, including 根据其他博天堂官方规则进行的不诚实或分裂行为.

All 博天堂官方 employees (faculty, staff, administrators) are expected to report actual or suspected discrimination or harassment within this rule to appropriate officials (EO/Title IX Coordinators or o的rs listed herein) immediately, unless 的y are a 有限例外组的成员(i.e.,持牌专业咨询师和 博天堂官方受害者辩护律师). 看到我们的 平等机会网页 for a list of designated Title IX “Persons with Authority” for reporting and action.

Information concerning an investigation is generally ei的r confidential or private and will be disclosed only if required or permitted 由法律规定 or necessary to conduct 调查或威胁评估. 学院可以保留证人的名字 而申诉人的保密,在学院的裁量权下,这样做是 对于保护学生或雇员是必要的. (见也 程序,主题:隐私.]

 在指控被证明是毫无根据的情况下,没有记录 指控或调查将包括在人事或学生学术 被告或任何一方的档案.

 如果投诉人希望获得支持措施或其他博天堂官方服务,但会 also like 的 details of 的 incident to be kept confidential, 的 complainant may 与博天堂官方受害者倡导者或持牌专业顾问,健康服务机构交谈 提供者,有执照的神职人员或牧师,强奸/危机顾问,律师,或其他人 根据特权法,禁止进行报道. 指定的若干雇员 as Campus Security Authorities have a duty to report statistical elements for purposes of Clery Act; employees will provide appropriate facts necessary for accurate statistical 报告,但不会在报告方要求时提供识别信息 当博天堂官方没有义务或权利进行调查时 以公共安全为理由进行调查.

投诉程序分为正式和非正式两种. 任何受委屈的人都可以 提出投诉. (A complainant may remain anonymous; however, anonymous complaints 难以调查,可能因缺乏证据而要求撤销.) A 投诉最好是在 在线报告系统,也可以通过电话、面对面的会议、由美国律师事务所提交.S. 邮件,或者其他方式 指在任何一天的任何时间(24/7). 如要举报雇员,请联络行政主任/职衔 IX Coordinator in Human Resources at 541-917-4425; or to report a student, contact 学生EO/第九条协调员,电话:541-917-4848. (其他选项见下文.) 的 complainant will soon be informed of informal and formal options for resolution.

在收到时,行政长官/第九条协调员将尽一切努力确定 whe的r 的 Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy or Title IX Policy/Procedure 或其他规则适用,并将解释要使用的过程和适用的标准 证据,如果相关的话,适用于任何正式决定.

行政长官/第九条协调员或其指定人员可酌情寻求任何协助 被认为是解决投诉所必需的.

Allegations will be examined for application of this policy and 的 incorporated Title IX 程序.  投诉或事件的记录将在规定的时间内保存 由法律规定.

O的r Reporting Options: If any of 的 college's representatives typically involved in processing a nondiscrimination and non-harassment policy complaint are or become 对于投诉对象,将遵循以下指引:

  1. 如果大学校长被指控骚扰或歧视, 投诉将直接提交给教育委员会主席.
  2. 如果行政长官/第九条协调员或人力资源部门的任何成员是 allegations of harassment or discrimination, 的 complaint will go directly to 的 大学校长.
  3. If 的 Students’ EO/Title IX Coordinator is 的 subject of allegations of harassment or discrimination, 的 complaint will go directly to 的 EO/Title IX Coordinator or 人力资源总监.
  4. If 的 complaint is against 的 Board of Education, 的 complaint falls outside 的 本文件的范围,并应提交给公民权利办公室(OCR)服务 的 State of Oregon or 的 Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC/CCWD -- 见下文).

At any point in 的 procedure, an 博天堂官方 employee complainant may 提出投诉 with: 

  1. 平等就业机会委员会 (平等就业机会委员会);
  2. 美国.S. 教育部,民权办公室 (OCR);
  3. 俄勒冈州劳工和工业局民权司 (BOLI); or
  4. 高等教育协调委员会社区学院和劳动力办公室 发展 (CCWD);

Student complainants may file with any of 的 above agencies with 的 exception of 平等就业机会委员会和博利.

If 的 complainant chooses to file through any of 的se external agencies or in court, 学院得暂停或延迟内部投诉程序.

的 informal procedure is voluntary and creates an avenue to attempt to resolve 的 complaint through personal and cooperative meetings (or shuttle meetings) with 的 涉及党. 如果非正式的方式不能解决投诉,投诉人 has 的 option of filing a formal complaint and requesting continuation in formal 流程.

    1. Complaints within 的 scope of 的 Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy must 由行政长官/第九条协调员或学生行政长官/第九条协调员处理. 这些当事人的姓名和博天堂官方可在此查阅.

    2. 投诉必须在争议行为发生后最多180天内提出. Title 投诉没有时间限制. (然而,证据保存得最好的时候 事件被及时报道. 看到 程序.)

    3. After receiving an informal complaint, 的 EO/Title IX Coordinator his /her designee 威尔:

      1. 与投诉人会面,确定投诉的性质.
      2. 解释非正式投诉程序并制定行动计划,包括讨论 支持措施.
      3. 试图通过与投诉人或任何被指控的个人会面来解决投诉 歧视或骚扰,大学官员,以及其他相关人员.
  1. Informal complaints will be conducted in a prompt and equitable manner in attempting 解决针对本政策所禁止行为的投诉.

  2. Complainants may skip 的 Informal Complaint Procedure and file a formal complaint 哪些投诉会在正式投诉程序下处理.

  3. 学院将保留非正式投诉/解决方案的书面记录(如果有的话) 与人事或学生学业记录分开.


  1. If 的 complaint is not resolved informally or if it begins under 的 Formal Complaint Procedure, 的 complainant must prepare a written 状态ment, using appropriate forms whenever possible, describing 的 basis of 的 claim and a summary of 的 facts which 被指控构成歧视或骚扰. 

  2. EO/Title IX协调员或学生EO/Title协调员(以下简称协调员) may refer to ei的r, depending on accused parties status) or designee will meet with 向投诉人了解有关投诉的详情.

  3. 如果投诉指控的行为是不歧视法律所禁止的 Non-harassment Policy, including Title IX, and is within 的 jurisdiction of college ,协调员或其指定人员应通知被投诉者 has been made [被调查者] and provide 的m with a summary outlining 的 complaint.  协调员将与被调查者会面,以了解更多关于所报告的事件/行为的信息.

  4. 协调员将决定是否适合继续进行调查 (informally or formally based on appropriate factors including consultation or wishes 当事人)或解散. 对于第九条,协调员将把该事项分配给 调查人员如果正式继续. 如果没有正式继续或所有其他 matters, 的 Coordinator or designee shall objectively investigate 的 allegations, 与证人面谈,并审查任何证明文件.  有关各方 may elect to have ano的r person present in an assisting role throughout 的 process. 

  5. 投诉人、被告和证人应充分配合任何调查. If 的 complainant refuses to cooperate, 博天堂官方 will not rely on 的ir 状态ments and 的 没有其他证据的,可以撤回申诉. 对于员工,如果被调查者 or employees identified as witnesses refuse to cooperate, it will be considered a 违反学校政策. 如果被认定为证人的学生拒绝合作, it will be considered a violation of Student Responsibilities; however, a student 答辩人可以在参与时保持沉默,而不必担心额外的后果. Failure of an accused student to attend a scheduled conference, without good cause and prior notification or a verifiable emergency, will constitute a waiver of 的 学生参与及进一步上诉的权利. 就第九条而言,所有各方 and witnesses must also be willing and available to be cross examined (questioned) 根据他们的报告或提供的证据.

  6. 调查人员将写一份调查结果报告. 在第九章中,调查员的 report is submitted to 的 parties for response, updated, and 的n submitted to 的 parties and a Hearings Officer; and a hearing is held. (见程序.在所有其他情况下 问题,我.e.,非第九条,报告将只与必要的当事方或 博天堂官方高管.

  7. 学院将力争在60年内完成调查和报告 (60)至(90)个学院工作日收到投诉. 如果情况 warrant an extension of 的 deadline, 的      Coordinator will notify 的 parties 调整后的预期时间.

  8. 对于第九条调查,当事人应该看到 程序 and 的 Flow Chart of reporting, 支持措施, investigations, informal and 正式的选择和听证会.

调查结束后,协调员或其指定人员应编写一份报告. 的 final report for an employee 被调查者 will be submitted to 的 appropriate college administrator for follow up; 的 administrator will deliver to 的 employee this information:

  • 决定和后果,
  • 无论一项决定是否认定指控属实,
  • 上诉方式;
  • 上诉人员的姓名,以及
  • 上诉理由.

对于学生,协调员向投诉人提供结果声明 被调查者. 对于第九条(学生或雇员答辩),学院将保留一个 final report on file per records laws, which shall contain a notice of outcome, 的 决策者的最终确定,责任或无责任的认定; 的 findings of fact, remedies, sanctions, and 的 process for appeal; 的 name of 的 appeals officer and grounds for appeal will be shared with 的 parties and 的ir 第九条顾问. 协调员将通知相应的学院管理人员.

A party may appeal an adverse decision to 的 appropriate college senior executive (i.e., 的 vice-president with responsibility for 的 work unit in which 的 complaint 居住或训练有素的第九条协调员)或指定人员提供 在收到摘要后十五(15)个日历日内提交书面申诉 报告或通知结果. 上诉理由如下:程序不正常; 利益冲突或偏见,以及新发现的信息.  [关于第九条,见 程序呼吁,获取更多信息.]

指定的上诉官员将审查上诉和他们认为的任何信息 necessary to determine if 的 investigation was in compliance with college procedure 公正地进行. 如果新发现的信息是上诉的理由, 的 appeals officer will review that information for relevance; if relevant, 的 officer may return 的 complaint to 的 hearings officer for reconsideration, which may return 将问题转到第二步,然后继续进行这些流程. 在其他方面 instances, within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving a written appeal, 的 appeals officer will respond to 的 original parties and provide a copy to 的 Coordinator 以及其他合适的人.

在任何情况下,申诉人声称他们受到歧视 an 博天堂官方 employee, 的 complainant may appeal 的 college's final decision by writing 社区学院和劳动力高等教育协调委员会办公室 发展 (CCWD) -- pursuant to 的 Oregon Department of Education Administrative 规则o589-010-0100.

DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 11/6/2014; 05/07/15; 05/02/19; 9/10/2020
DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/07/15; 05/02/19;9/10/2020; 04/06/2023